On Sunday, July 23, 2023, the Caleb Mission 5K Race was held in the Peruvian cities of Tarapoto, Hullaga, Yurimaguas, Moyobamba, Rioja, Nueva Cajamarca, and Amazonas. Adventist volunteers who are part of Caleb Mission and local residents participate.
The activity, which promotes a healthy lifestyle in the city of Tarapoto, took place on the campus of Peruvian Union University. This was the starting point for the participants, who arrived at the place to receive their vests and runner’s number.
There were 851 registered participants: 300 were Caleb Mission volunteers, and 551 were neighbors and civil authorities. The young participants of the Caleb Mission Project highlighted the great need to continue promoting this discipline, which fosters the development of the physical capacity of a human being.
The marathon began at 8:30 am from the university and ended at Tarapoto Central Plaza, where they were welcomed with a fair featuring the eight natural remedies and prizes for the first-place finishers. As a result, hundreds of families who watched the mobilization expressed the desire to learn about the Adventist Church and have a healthy lifestyle.
“I congratulate the Adventist Church and the Peruvian Union University that, through the Caleb Mission Project, promote the population and youth to do sports and have a healthier life, something that should be replicated in many places,” said Lluni Perea Pinedo, provincial mayor of San Martin.
The media in each city witnessed this great displacement and will continue to report on the solidarity activities that Adventist youth will carry out for the community in the coming days, as part of the Caleb Mission, and the message of hope they are ready to share.
The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Spanish-language news site.